Interface IUOLClientControls
Provides UOL SDK controls, such as dialogs that can be used to interact with the UOL platform.
Namespace: UOL.SDK.Controls
Assembly: UOL.SDK.Controls.dll
public interface IUOLClientControls
Logs out the active user.
void Logout()
Call this method to log out the active user:
Shows the ETIM class picker dialog. Use this dialog to have end-users pick an ETIM and ETIM MC class code.
EtimPickerDialogResult ShowEtimClassPickerDialog()
Type | Description |
EtimPickerDialogResult | A EtimPickerDialogResult with the ETIM and ETIM MC class codes that the end-user selected. Inspect the Cancelled property of the EtimPickerDialogResult to see if the user cancelled the dialog. |
Call this method to start the UOL Search site within a forms application:
var dialogResult = uolClientControls.ShowEtimClassPickerDialog();
var filterResult = dialogResult.CADFilterResult;
Shows the ETIM class picker dialog. Use this dialog to have end-users pick an ETIM and ETIM MC class code.
EtimPickerDialogResult ShowEtimClassPickerDialog(string caption)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | caption | A string providing the caption for the dialog. |
Type | Description |
EtimPickerDialogResult | A EtimPickerDialogResult with the ETIM and ETIM MC class codes that the end-user selected. Inspect the Cancelled property of the EtimPickerDialogResult to see if the user cancelled the dialog. |
Call this method to start the UOL Search site within a forms application:
var dialogResult = uolClientControls.ShowEtimClassPickerDialog("Test UOL");
var filterResult = dialogResult.CADFilterResult;
Shows the ETIM class picker dialog with the specified owner. Use this dialog to have end-users pick an ETIM and ETIM MC class code.
EtimPickerDialogResult ShowEtimClassPickerDialog(IWin32Window owner)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window | owner | Any object that implements System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window that represents the top-level window that will own the modal dialog box. |
Type | Description |
EtimPickerDialogResult | A EtimPickerDialogResult with the ETIM and ETIM MC class codes that the end-user selected. Inspect the Cancelled property of the EtimPickerDialogResult to see if the user cancelled the dialog. |
Call this method to start the UOL Search site within a forms application:
var dialogResult = uolClientControls.ShowEtimClassPickerDialog(this);
var filterResult = dialogResult.CADFilterResult;
Type | Condition |
System.ArgumentException | The form specified in the owner parameter is the same as the form being shown. |
System.InvalidOperationException | The form being shown is already visible.-or- The form being shown is disabled.-or- The form being shown is not a top-level window.-or- The form being shown as a dialog box is already a modal form.-or-The current process is not running in user interactive mode (for more information, see System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.UserInteractive). |
ShowEtimClassPickerDialog(IWin32Window, String)
Shows the ETIM class picker dialog with the specified owner. Use this dialog to have end-users pick an ETIM and ETIM MC class code.
EtimPickerDialogResult ShowEtimClassPickerDialog(IWin32Window owner, string caption)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window | owner | Any object that implements System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window that represents the top-level window that will own the modal dialog box. |
System.String | caption | A string providing the caption for the dialog. |
Type | Description |
EtimPickerDialogResult | A EtimPickerDialogResult with the ETIM and ETIM MC class codes that the end-user selected. Inspect the Cancelled property of the EtimPickerDialogResult to see if the user cancelled the dialog. |
Call this method to start the UOL Search site within a forms application:
var dialogResult = uolClientControls.ShowEtimClassPickerDialog(this, "Test UOL");
var filterResult = dialogResult.CADFilterResult;
Type | Condition |
System.ArgumentException | The form specified in the owner parameter is the same as the form being shown. |
System.InvalidOperationException | The form being shown is already visible.-or- The form being shown is disabled.-or- The form being shown is not a top-level window.-or- The form being shown as a dialog box is already a modal form.-or-The current process is not running in user interactive mode (for more information, see System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.UserInteractive). |
Shows a Login dialog where end-users can sign-in with their UOL account.
LoginDialogResult ShowLoginDialog()
Type | Description |
LoginDialogResult | A LoginDialogResult with the authorization code acquired after the user signed in. Inspect the Cancelled property of the LoginDialogResult to see if the user cancelled the dialog. |
Call this method to start the UOL Login dialog within a forms application:
var dialogResult = uolClientControls.ShowLoginDialog();
var authorizationCode = dialogResult.AuthorizationCode;
Shows a Login dialog where end-users can sign-in with their UOL account.
LoginDialogResult ShowLoginDialog(string caption)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | caption | A string providing the caption for the dialog. |
Type | Description |
LoginDialogResult | A LoginDialogResult with the authorization code acquired after the user signed in. Inspect the Cancelled property of the LoginDialogResult to see if the user cancelled the dialog. |
Call this method to start the UOL Login dialog within a forms application:
var dialogResult = uolClientControls.ShowLoginDialog("Test Login");
var authorizationCode = dialogResult.AuthorizationCode;
Shows a Login dialog where end-users can sign-in with their UOL account.
LoginDialogResult ShowLoginDialog(IWin32Window owner)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window | owner | Any object that implements System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window that represents the top-level window that will own the modal dialog box. |
Type | Description |
LoginDialogResult | A LoginDialogResult with the authorization code acquired after the user signed in. Inspect the Cancelled property of the LoginDialogResult to see if the user cancelled the dialog. |
Call this method to start the UOL Login dialog within a forms application:
var dialogResult = uolClientControls.ShowLoginDialog(this);
var authorizationCode = dialogResult.AuthorizationCode;
Type | Condition |
System.ArgumentException | The form specified in the owner parameter is the same as the form being shown. |
System.InvalidOperationException | The form being shown is already visible.-or- The form being shown is disabled.-or- The form being shown is not a top-level window.-or- The form being shown as a dialog box is already a modal form.-or-The current process is not running in user interactive mode (for more information, see System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.UserInteractive). |
ShowLoginDialog(IWin32Window, String)
Shows a Login dialog where end-users can sign-in with their UOL account.
LoginDialogResult ShowLoginDialog(IWin32Window owner, string caption)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window | owner | Any object that implements System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window that represents the top-level window that will own the modal dialog box. |
System.String | caption | A string providing the caption for the dialog. |
Type | Description |
LoginDialogResult | A LoginDialogResult with the authorization code acquired after the user signed in. Inspect the Cancelled property of the LoginDialogResult to see if the user cancelled the dialog. |
Call this method to start the UOL Login dialog within a forms application:
var dialogResult = uolClientControls.ShowLoginDialog(this, "Test Login");
var authorizationCode = dialogResult.AuthorizationCode;
Type | Condition |
System.ArgumentException | The form specified in the owner parameter is the same as the form being shown. |
System.InvalidOperationException | The form being shown is already visible.-or- The form being shown is disabled.-or- The form being shown is not a top-level window.-or- The form being shown as a dialog box is already a modal form.-or-The current process is not running in user interactive mode (for more information, see System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.UserInteractive). |
Shows the UOL edit dialog. Use this dialog to have end-users edit product data.
UOLEditDialogResult ShowUOLEditDialog(IEnumerable<CADFilterResult> filters)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<UOL.Models.CADFilterResult> | filters | The filters to use to get the right product. |
Type | Description |
UOLEditDialogResult | A UOLEditDialogResult with the ETIM and ETIM MC class codes that the end-user selected. Inspect the Cancelled property of the UOLEditDialogResult to see if the user cancelled the dialog. |
ShowUOLEditDialog(IEnumerable<CADFilterResult>, String)
Shows the UOL edit dialog. Use this dialog to have end-users edit product data.
UOLEditDialogResult ShowUOLEditDialog(IEnumerable<CADFilterResult> filters, string caption)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<UOL.Models.CADFilterResult> | filters | The filters to use to get the right product. |
System.String | caption | A string providing the caption for the dialog. |
Type | Description |
UOLEditDialogResult | A UOLEditDialogResult with the ETIM and ETIM MC class codes that the end-user selected. Inspect the Cancelled property of the UOLEditDialogResult to see if the user cancelled the dialog. |
Call this method to open the Edit Dialog of the UOL site:
var dialogResult = uolClientControls.ShowUOLEditDialog(new List<CADFilterResult>() { cadFilterResult }, "Test Edit");
var numberOfProducts = dialogResult.CADFilterResult.CADProducts.Count();
ShowUOLEditDialog(IEnumerable<CADFilterResult>, IWin32Window)
Shows the UOL edit dialog with the specified owner. Use this dialog to have end-users edit product data.
UOLEditDialogResult ShowUOLEditDialog(IEnumerable<CADFilterResult> filters, IWin32Window owner)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<UOL.Models.CADFilterResult> | filters | The filters to use to get the right product. |
System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window | owner | Any object that implements System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window that represents the top-level window that will own the modal dialog box. |
Type | Description |
UOLEditDialogResult | A UOLEditDialogResult with the ETIM and ETIM MC class codes that the end-user selected. Inspect the Cancelled property of the UOLEditDialogResult to see if the user cancelled the dialog. |
Call this method to open the Edit Dialog of the UOL site:
var dialogResult = uolClientControls.ShowUOLEditDialog(new List<CADFilterResult>() { cadFilterResult }, this);
var numberOfProducts = dialogResult.CADFilterResult.CADProducts.Count();
Type | Condition |
System.ArgumentException | The form specified in the owner parameter is the same as the form being shown. |
System.InvalidOperationException | The form being shown is already visible.-or- The form being shown is disabled.-or- The form being shown is not a top-level window.-or- The form being shown as a dialog box is already a modal form.-or-The current process is not running in user interactive mode (for more information, see System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.UserInteractive). |
ShowUOLEditDialog(IEnumerable<CADFilterResult>, IWin32Window, String)
Shows the UOL edit dialog with the specified owner. Use this dialog to have end-users edit product data.
UOLEditDialogResult ShowUOLEditDialog(IEnumerable<CADFilterResult> filters, IWin32Window owner, string caption)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<UOL.Models.CADFilterResult> | filters | The filters to use to get the right product. |
System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window | owner | Any object that implements System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window that represents the top-level window that will own the modal dialog box. |
System.String | caption | A string providing the caption for the dialog. |
Type | Description |
UOLEditDialogResult | A UOLEditDialogResult with the ETIM and ETIM MC class codes that the end-user selected. Inspect the Cancelled property of the UOLEditDialogResult to see if the user cancelled the dialog. |
Call this method to open the Edit Dialog of the UOL site:
var dialogResult = uolClientControls.ShowUOLEditDialog(new List<CADFilterResult>() { cadFilterResult }, this, "Test Edit");
var numberOfProducts = dialogResult.CADFilterResult.CADProducts.Count();
Type | Condition |
System.ArgumentException | The form specified in the owner parameter is the same as the form being shown. |
System.InvalidOperationException | The form being shown is already visible.-or- The form being shown is disabled.-or- The form being shown is not a top-level window.-or- The form being shown as a dialog box is already a modal form.-or-The current process is not running in user interactive mode (for more information, see System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.UserInteractive). |